Saturday, May 31, 2014

Memories of Grandpas

I peeled an orange the other day this way...just for fun, and it reminded me of Harold Guy Jones who is my grandpa.  He always used to peel oranges this way.  He would also try to peel an apple with a knife so that the peel would be one continuous piece that looked like a big spiral.  Guy Jones, my grandpa, liked to take us to the church across the street from his house to throw balls against the wall and catch them.  He'd also take us to the schoolyard which was just through the block from his house to play on the playground.  You'll never guess which school it was...Whittier Elementary, the one where I now teach!  Who knew?

What is a memory you have of one of your grandpas?  Share it in the comments.

We Have a Winner!!

Travis was the first one to find Charles Summer Jones' birthday and a big bag of Doritos is on its way to Texas.  Thanks for playing, Travis!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Summer Who?!?

While I was poking around on Farmily Search I found a guy who's related to us named Charles Summer Jones.  Thought Summer might get a kick out of that.  ;)  He's probably not as cute as OUR Summer though.  Maybe we should rename Ken so he could be Charles Summer Jones.  ;)

OK, who's ready for the first challenge of this blog?  I'm going to suck you all in by giving away prizes if you read my blog and take my challenges.  Hope this works!

The first challenge: Find Charles Summer Jones on and tell me his birthday.  Hint: once you're on Family Search, go to FIND, ID, then just plug in the unique number they've given him which is LHPJ-8FF.  It's easy to find someone you want to revisit on Family Search if you just jot down their number.  I'll send the winner a big bag of their favorite kind of chips.  Ready?  Set?  Go!!  Just make a comment on this post with the correct answer.

Easton Beat Me!!

So I'm on on March 22, 2014 looking for ancestors who need temple work done and I go to to see if Ellen Jones and Harry Jones (aren't we glad that this never became OUR Harold Jones' nickname??) and low and behold, the sealing to parents ordinances are reserved by a certain Easton!  I wasn't sure if it was our Easton so I had to call his dad to find out his middle name.  Sure enough!  Easton has been doing Family History work and beat me to those two.  Nice job Easton!

Pages on Puzilla look something like this.  The blue dot in the middle is Thomas Jones, my 3rd great-grandpa.  You can see he had 5 sons (blue squares are boys) and one daughter (red dots are girls.)  The yellow line shows the line that connects me to Thomas Jones.