Friday, August 1, 2014

Wanna Be In DAR or SAR?

Hey!  I found out we have an ancestor who fought in the Revolutionary War!  His name is Zebulon Moses and he was born in 1754 in Connecticut.  That would have made him 22 years old in 1776 when the United States won the war and declared independence.  So if you want to be a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution or Sons of the American Revolution, you can apply for membership.  :)  In order to belong to one of these groups you have to prove that you had an ancestor who fought in the American Revolutionary War.

I want to find out more about him.  All I know is that he fought in the Vermont Regiment and was at the Battle of Bennington.  The marker for the Bennington battlefield is in the picture above.  There's also a "Zebulon Moses Farm Complex" in Lima, New York that is on the National Register of Historic Places.  Road trip, anyone?  Wouldn't it be cool to go back and see where he lived??

Guess who won the last challenge?  It WASN'T TRAVIS!  Can you believe it?!?  It was David!  Five bucks on its way to San Antonio with David's name on it.

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