Thursday, June 5, 2014

Jones Missionaries

Since Daniel got his mission call today (Wahoo!!) I thought I'd write about some other missionaries in our family...missionaries that went before Daniel.

My dad, Harold Jones, wrote this in his mission journal on November 4, 1950:
"There was a game to play so I went to play.  It's a good thing I played only 5 minutes because I can sure get tired.  After the game a group went downtown, cashed a cheack (his spelling isn't always the greatest :), brought a scarf, 6/6.  Then we had a missionary study calss.  We went through the presetation at the door.  They tell me that I am the only one that don't smile and I don't act natual at the door or in front one of the Elders.  Good thing I am not seen at the doors.  After this study class their was a Union Meeting.  In these meeting they talk about the differance offercis that they saints hold and how they should teach.  I am writting this in bed laying allmost flat with the book proped up on my chest.  Elder Campbell has not came up yet."
He went to England on his mission.  Did you know that your mom or dad has a copy of your Grandpa Jones' (Harold Jones) mission journal?  Ask them if you can see it.

Here is a picture of Guy Jones (Harold Guy Jones) on his mission.  He is the one holding the horse's reins.

My grandpa, Harold Guy Jones, wrote this in a letter while on his mission in Canada on December 12, 1917:
"I have got my little finger broken or out of place and cannot write very good yet it has been done almost three weeks now it look like it would be getting better.
I seen in the papers last night where Germany had taken enought wheat in Russia to last her 15 more years.  So no telling I might go before it is over (to World War I).  And America may mourn her loss of good men by the hundreds of thousands yet.  But it has got to be downed and people have to have a chance to worship as they please.
My companion is looking for his release anytime now.  He has been away from his wife and babys for almost to years.  He is a good fellow to."
Guy Jones, my grandpa, met his future wife, Mary Grayson, while he was serving a mission in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.

Ask someone at your house who has served a mission how they felt when they opened their mission call and share it in a comment for the rest of us to read!

1 comment:

  1. When I got my mission call to Hong Kong I was VERY excited! I really wanted the experience of leaving America. When my mom heard where my call was she said, "Oh dear!" I asked why and she said it's so far away. I said, "Well, MacKay went to Taiwan." Her reply was, "But he's a boy."
