Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Blessed, Honored Pioneers

I got an email from FamilySearch today with this link showing how many of my ancestors (that they know of) were Mormon pioneers who crossed the plains.  Any guesses how many?  YOU count them!

Pretty cool!  And I think there are even more.  We come from some pretty tough people who had faith in God that was strong enough to get them half way across the United States on one very tough trek.


One of them was Ruth May Fox.  She is your Grandma Jones' grandmother so that makes her your great-great grandmother.  She was 13 years old when she came across the plains.  She wrote the song "Carry On" which is in our hymnbook.

Here is Grandma Fox's testimony:
“Ever since I could understand, the gospel has meant everything to me. It has been my very breath, my mantle of protection against temptation, my consolation in sorrow, my joy and glory throughout all my days, and my hope of eternal life. ‘The Kingdom of God or nothing’ has been my motto.” 

Here is a story she remembers from the trail:
"One day we camped a short distance from a river, and we girls were sent for water.  Apparently we stayed too long. While we were gone, Father had unyoked the cattle and being very tired had thrown himself on the ground to rest. One of the brethren came along and asked, "Brother May, how are you?" The answer came back, "Oh there isn't much the matter. I have a sick wife, two sore heels, and two dummies." I was one of the dummies."

And this was her reaction when she first saw the Salt Lake Valley:
"At last the long journey was ended. We had pulled up the hill out of Parley's Canyon just as twilight shrouded the valley. We could still catch a glimpse of the city below, but I confessed to some disappointment as I asked, "Did we come all this way for that?" This, however was my first and last disappointment."

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