Friday, July 25, 2014

Saving Baby Alice

Alice Ryan Jones

As I was reading stories of our pioneer ancestors yesterday I was very moved (to tears!) by this one comment written by my great grandmother, Alice Ryan Jones, about her travels across the plains at a very tender age, "My mother often said that I would not have survived because I was so tiny and frail if it hadn't been for the teamster who carried me most of the way."

Because of the daily kind act of this man carrying three month old baby Alice with him on the wagon, my great grandmother was granted the opportunity to grow to adulthood, marry, have children, and live a full life.  I have no idea the name or identity of this man but I am truly grateful to him for the great kindness he showed in caring for this small baby who was one of my ancestors.  He didn't have to do it.  He had no obligation to baby Alice or her mother.

Alice's mother set out across the plains with her 2 year old daughter, Kittie, and Alice who was only 3 months. Alice's father and 16 year old brother were to follow two weeks later to drive mule teams and freight.  During the trek, Kittie died and was buried near the Platte River.

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